Memory: Waxy green hedges

Pretty much every garden in our estate back the early 90s had these same green waxy hedges. Most houses also had sliding door in the porch and a palm tree that shed brown leaves we would use as whips. We didn’t have a sliding door in our porch. They were very aspirational to a six-year-old.

These bushes I’m thinking of had a waxy green leaf - the colour of a granny smith apple. We would fold them over and pinch out bits with our fingernails so that when you unfolded it again there would be a face.

You still see blocks of these hedges on the occasional house but I think the craze for them is over.

What a mostly remember when I think of them is an upsetting memory. It doesn’t seem a big deal now but as I was small it felt a very big at the time.

I was playing with my brother in the Saunders back garden. There were loads of other boys there who I didn’t know and I was always shy around new people. They were hiding toys and then testing each other to find them. I was mostly hanging back and running around in the shadow of others, laughing when they did. When it came to my go I hid a Mr Happy plastic toy in the giant block of green waxy leaves at the back of the garden. I put my hand into the wall of leaves and dropped it where, I imagined, it would be nestled on the branches. But then nobody could find it - I showed them where I put it but it was gone. The others all turned on me and were angry I had lost their toy. I remember they were shouting.

Mrs Saunders brought me home - likely because I was upset but at the time I felt it was for my own protection.

I still think about that missing Mr Happy toy sometimes and wonder if it ever turned up.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on green waxy bushes.



I’ve had trickier search than I expected to find the hedge I’m talking about (perhaps a sign they have fallen out of fashion a bit?) but I believe i’ve found the one, and it’s called the Griselinia. Was there a lot of these where you grew up?

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